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Shopping Comparison Sites

Customers using axis vMerchant for retail (B2C) sales will be interested to know that we can now offer data feeds from your axis vMerchant websites to a number of Shopping Comparison Sites, including

Google Kelkoo PriceGrabber PriceRunner

Configuration and maintenance of the data feeds is managed entirely through the axis diplomat back office software, so management is simplicity itself.

You can choose on a product-by-product basis whether an item is sent to a particular Shopping Comparison Site - for example, you may decide that you would like product A to go to PriceRunner, PriceGrabber and Kelkoo but product B to go to Kelkoo and Google Shopping.

Shopping Comparison Sites give shoppers access to price comparisons from a number of suppliers and so these data feeds are especially well-suited to products which are highly competitive and where you know your pricing is particularly keen.

Customers with multiple axis vMerchant eCommerce websites driven by one axis diplomat back office system can feed different data to the Shopping Comparison Sites for each website.

Please note that with the exception of Google Shopping, all of these Shopping Comparison Sites operate on a pay-per-click (ppc) basis and so you will need to sign up for their services before being able to feed the data through to them.

The e-Business Price Feed module is available now as an option for any axis diplomat system being used in conjunction with an axis vMerchant website. For further information, please contact your Account Manager.

Product Searching

Over the years that we have been supplying eCommerce solutions, one thing has been evident - no two businesses want the same thing from their axis vMerchant website! This has been particularly true of the sequence in which people want to display products on their website. Some customers will want their products shown in alphabetical order by description, others by part number whilst some may prefer to show their cheapest products first.

We have now simplified the configuration of this by adding a Stock Ordering section to the Site Maintenance function within axis diplomat. You can now select up to three sorting rules that are applied to the products shown on your website.

Here, for example, we have decided that products on our website are to be ordered by Stock Attribute 1 (Size) and then by descending retail price - in other words, within each size, we will be listing the most expensive product first.

All users of axis vMerchant will be able to access this functionality when they next receive a level update CD.

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