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In order to maximise the use of your eCommerce website, and to allow you to decide on future developments to your site, customer feedback is vital. Customer feedback is, of course vital in many other areas of your business, for example in determining the customer's perception of your pre-sales or after-sales service, the quality of your products or what new products your customers would like to see.

For these reasons, an optional facility is available for your axis vMerchant site to allow you to create any number of surveys, which can be hosted on your website.

axis vMerchant provides the technology to display the Survey web pages and manage the results. Surveys are created through the standard Administration website (just like CMS content), and that site also provides the means to analyse the result data, either graphically or by viewing individual results.

Resultant data can also be imported in Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

Surveys requires a small addition to the monthly axis vMerchant Hosting Fee - please contact your supplier for further information.

Order Satisfaction Emails

An optional module is available for your axis diplomat system called Order Satisfaction Emails which works well in conjunction with axis vMerchant Surveys. This module automatically generates emails, once a day, for all orders completed a set number of days before. These emails can be designed to link to a Customer Satisfaction Survey, hosted by your axis vMerchant website.

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