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Ensuring that the users of any software solution get the most out of that software is key to realising the maximum return on investment.

All training provided by axisfirst is bespoke and tailored to the specific project. As part of the creation of a project plan, we will agree with you who is to be trained, when and on what aspects of the system.

Options for training include on-site or at our own offices in Somerset or Worcestershire. Most clients opt for on-site training although training at our own offices can be beneficial if only because those being trained are away from their normal working environment with its associated interruptions!

We can provide user training for all of your staff or we can focus on training several key individuals, who then in turn become responsible for internal training. This latter approach brings a number of benefits, not least of which is that investing in a small number of people who become experts in the whole operation of the system gives you the resources to adapt your use of the system in the future more effectively, as your needs change.

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